Promoting LGBT+ Inclusion in the Workplace: The PFIP Playbook

To celebrate its 10th founding anniversary, the leading Philippine LGBT+ organization is releasing a best practices guide for equal opportunity employers.

The PFIP has launched the PFIP Playbook, a comprehensive guide for local organizations to promote inclusion of the LGBT+ community in their policies, programs, and practices. The playbook is aimed at the boardrooms of the most influential private employers in the Philippines to reinforce their commitment to protect and promote safe workplaces within the corporate pride community. In its 10th year founding anniversary, PFIP is taking the fight for SOGIESC equality amidst the denial of rights for LGBT+ Filipinos and reaffirming its support for the greater LGBT+ ecosystem in the country.

Figure 1: Industry and civil society leaders join Senator Risa Hontiveros during the PFIP Playbook Launch hosted by the Embassy of the Netherlands in the Philippines.

The launch of the PFIP Playbook marks a significant step forward in promoting LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace. As a critical resource for business managers and industry leaders, the Playbook provides a comprehensive guide to building safe, diverse, inclusive, ethical, and sustainable organizations. Drawing on the experiences and expertise of leading private organizations in the Philippines, the Playbook sets out what is possible within the current socio-legal landscape and provides practical guidance on how to achieve greater LGBT+ inclusion in workplaces and beyond.

The Playbook is supported by extensive research by the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies and chronicles PFIP’s successes over its first decade. Case studies illustrate the DEI journeys of PFIP member companies, from early struggles to landmark achievements. “The PFIP Playbook is a valuable resource for companies seeking to promote gender equality in their workplaces,” said Weena Ekid, PFIP incorporating board trustee and Chairperson. “We are thrilled to share it with the PFIP family at our CEO Forum on April 13th and Cebu Workplace Inclusion Forum on May 27th, and we look forward to engaging with local companies, government offices, and academic institutions and making them part of our DEI conversations.”

PFIP at 10

For almost a decade, PFIP has been spearheading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs in the Philippines. From its humble beginnings as a five-member breakfast club in the banking, financial services, and insurance sector, the organization has grown to over 80 member firms from various industries in Metro Manila, Cebu, and Baguio. Its focus has shifted from adopting global DEI policies to local context to promoting practices that support the career advancement of Filipino LGBT+ talents.

As the leading voice and champion for workplace DEI, PFIP is committed to creating safer and more progressive workplaces by providing its member companies with inclusive policies, SOGIE training and education, and the business case of inclusion. The organization also empowers LGBT+ talents through sustainable Pride networks, professional development, and advocacy programs, according to Jai Leonard Carinan, PFIP’s founding leader and Executive Director.

The launch of the PFIP Playbook was celebrated by H.E. Ambassador Marielle Geraedts from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Philippines. She expressed her support, stating that more and more businesses are realizing the importance of DEI, which represents hope and progress for many in the LGBTQIA+ community. She also emphasized the importance of recognition and respect for people as they live and work according to their true selves and identities.

Figure 2: H.E. Ambassador Marielle Geraedts,considers the Playbook as an important resource for advocates and champions alike

Senator Risa Hontiveros recognized the importance of the PFIP Playbook in the ongoing struggle for a national anti-discrimination law that safeguards individuals with diverse SOGIE. “At the core of the bill are just fundamental rights,” she said. The PFIP playbook makes it easier to educate the organizations, institutions, and communities we are a part of. “The major battles are won by the triumphs of several smaller communities. No victory is ever insignificant, and a victory like today’s Playbook is more significant than many.”

To get a complimentary digital copy of the Playbook, you may sign up at

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