FWD’s “Press Play” Campaign Motivates Filipinos Pursue Their Goals Anew

Every day is a new chance for happiness, for living life to the fullest, looking at things from a different perspective, and being closer to achieving our goals.

FWD Life Insurance has launched its latest campaign called “Press Play,” which aims to motivate people to resume pursuing their goals that may have been put on hold due to personal challenges, lack of resources or time, or the pandemic. The Press Play campaign was inspired by FWD’s brand promise to celebrate life. Over five months, FWD searched all across Asia for real people who are living their lives to the fullest.

One of the six featured individuals is Pau Javier, a Filipina who shifted careers and became a potter during the pandemic. Despite being a former producer for TV and independent films, she pursued her passion for pottery, founded Wabi-Sabi Studio with her sister, and now teaches pottery while selling her own creations.

The featured individuals in the Press Play campaign have reevaluated their lives and goals, made changes, and are now happier for it. Pursuing goals can lead to happiness, according to a study by the University of Basel. The study reveals that having attainable goals can improve psychological wellbeing.

Working on goals provides us with a sense of purpose and control, leading to self-confidence and exploration of life in new directions that may not have been considered before. Are you ready to resume your goals and set new ones? Here are five goals that are worth pursuing:

H2: 1. Health and wellbeing goals

Staying in good health means being physically active, getting enough rest, and maintaining a healthy weight. No matter how busy your schedule is, try to move your body for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day and aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to help your mind and body recharge. Increase your intake of plant-based foods and replace fatty meats with healthy fats from fish and nuts. Keep your body mass index (BMI) below 25 to maintain a healthy weight.

Taking care of your mental wellbeing is just as important. Try to spread joy to those around you and confide in trusted friends and family members when you feel stressed. If your sadness persists for an extended period, seek help from a professional. Achieving peace of mind is also crucial for your overall wellbeing. One way to do this is by not having to worry about your health. Investing in health insurance is the best way to avoid stress related to potential illnesses. Knowing that you can focus on your wellness and recovery in case you get sick can help ease the burden on your mind.

H2: 2. Financial goals

Learning how to manage your finances is a crucial life skill that involves various aspects such as spending, saving, earning, and investing. Setting financial goals is an essential step in creating a household budget and gaining a clear understanding of your financial status and aspirations.

One crucial financial goal that everyone should prioritize is building an emergency fund. This fund can be used to cover unexpected expenses like medical bills or unforeseen events like roof repairs or a car accident. Having an emergency fund can help you avoid debt and financial stress during difficult times.

To achieve financial wellness, it’s beneficial to seek guidance from experts who can provide you with valuable advice and insights. For instance, an FWD financial advisor can help you understand your financial options and provide you with customized solutions that fit your needs. Additionally, it’s essential to educate yourself about financial matters and stay updated with tips on investing to grow your wealth.

Experts can assist you in identifying suitable investments and provide you with their expertise, which can help you stay focused on your goals. By combining your knowledge with their guidance, you can make informed decisions that will lead to financial success. In conclusion, mastering financial management is a lifelong journey that requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to learn from experts and your own experiences.

H2: 3. Life and family goals

Spending quality time together as a family is essential for building strong relationships and creating lasting memories. However, with the advent of technology, it’s easy to get lost in gadgets and lose sight of what really matters. Therefore, it’s important to impose a daily time limit on gadget use to avoid wasting time and missing out on meaningful experiences.

Instead of being glued to screens, engage in activities like exercise, household chores, and leisure activities that you can do together as a family. Regularly visit your parents and be present in the moment when spending time with loved ones. Plan trips together, which don’t have to be expensive or extravagant. A day trip out of town or a visit to a local museum can be just as enjoyable and memorable.

Effective communication is also vital in maintaining strong family bonds. Learn to actively listen to one another and openly express your feelings. Encourage your partner and children to do the same. Take an active interest in their lives and participate in activities that you may not have been involved in before.

In conclusion, prioritizing family time over gadget use is crucial for strengthening relationships and creating meaningful experiences. By engaging in activities together, listening actively, and being present, you can build a closer, more loving family unit.

H2: 4. Career goals

Defining your career goals is crucial for achieving success and personal fulfillment in your professional life. These goals can be either short-term or long-term, such as obtaining a raise for a job well done or securing a promotion to your desired position, which often entails greater responsibilities.

To achieve your career goals, it’s essential to be engaged and involved in your work. Participating in work-related social events is an excellent way to meet people in your industry and expand your professional network, which can be instrumental in advancing your career.

Moreover, if you plan to switch careers in the future, enrolling in professional certification programs can help you acquire new skills and enhance your qualifications. Online courses such as data analytics, marketing, web design, languages, and humanities can be incredibly beneficial for developing new skills and boosting your employability.

However, it’s important to remember that there is no shortcut to success. Working hard and dedicating yourself to your career is essential for achieving your goals. By maintaining a strong work ethic and consistently pursuing your professional aspirations, you can create a fulfilling and rewarding career path.

H2: 5. Happiness goals

Happiness may seem like a vague concept, but it can be defined as “subjective wellbeing.” This means assessing or measuring how content you are with the different aspects of your life. Positive psychology researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness, describes happiness as “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive wellbeing, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”

Everyday self-care activities can help you achieve this state of wellbeing, such as meditating, listening to music, taking breaks, practicing mindful eating and communication, and exercising in nature. It’s crucial to set aside time for self-care and to write down activities you can incorporate into your daily routine.

Additionally, maintaining a positive outlook can be challenging, but a conscious effort to change your perspective each day can make a significant difference. Setting goals can also help you feel more satisfied with your life, as it gives you a sense of purpose and direction.

For inspiration, check out FWD’s Press Play video, which can help motivate you to pursue your goals and find happiness. Remember that every day presents a new opportunity to live life to the fullest, attain happiness, and achieve your aspirations. Taking the first step towards fulfilling your goals can lead to a more joyful and fulfilling life.

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