Epson and WWF-Philippines Advocate for Collective Action to Tackle Energy Consumption

Epson Philippines has forged a robust partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines, dedicated to addressing various environmental challenges. Since its inception in 2022, this collaboration has witnessed the implementation of numerous joint initiatives aimed at conserving the nation’s biodiversity, advocating for sustainable use of renewable resources, and curbing pollution and excessive consumption. The latest endeavor underscores the urgent necessity for collective action in managing the escalating energy consumption rate in the Philippines through efficient energy management strategies.

Dino Calderon, the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Program Manager at WWF-Philippines, highlights the pressing energy management issue facing the Philippines, with the residential sector emerging as a significant contributor. “Humans are the primary catalysts for change concerning the biophysical aspects of our planet,” shared Calderon.

According to the Department of Energy’s 2022 Annual Power Statistics, the household sector accounts for the largest energy consumption (35,324 GWh) in the Philippines, followed by the industrial sector (28,844 GWh) and the commercial sector (24,294 GWh). Calderon acknowledges the concern this statistic raises but views it as an opportunity for collective action. “It’s a cause for concern, but it also presents an opportunity for individuals to effect change through concerted efforts,” Calderon remarked.

WWF-Philippines and Epson are urging companies to take proactive steps towards fostering an energy-efficient environment, both at home and in the workplace, starting with individual actions.

Epson facilitated an educational session conducted by WWF-Philippines for its employees, aimed at enlightening attendees about energy consumption, its environmental ramifications, and motivating them to initiate change. Calderon emphasized that these actions could be as simple as opting for public transportation over private vehicles or maximizing the utilization of natural light during daylight hours.

“Recognizing the collective impact of individual actions, Epson places great value on empowering our employees to effectively manage their energy use,” stated Masako Kusama, President and Director of Epson Philippines. “By cultivating a culture of sustainability, we’re actively contributing to the global fight against pollution.”

Led by Calderon, the session underscored the responsibility of companies like Epson to educate their employees about energy consumption and management, translating knowledge into practice.

“Businesses play a pivotal role in addressing environmental challenges. By promoting awareness and fostering sustainable habits among employees, corporations like Epson can significantly reduce consumption and safeguard our planet for future generations,” explained Calderon. “Taking that initial step through encouraging individual actions is paramount.”

Epson remains optimistic that its collaboration with WWF-Philippines will deepen understanding of the environmental crisis and instill a sense of responsibility among its employees. Through ongoing discussions and collaboration with WWF-Philippines to develop and implement programs, Epson aims to empower its workforce to embrace sustainable practices and contribute to the global mission of environmental protection.

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